Gabion Fireplace PricingLow Cost Outdoor Fire Example
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Stone Gabion Outdoor Fireplace Design Idea and Pricing

Buy Direct From The Importer. No Middleman!!

gabion outside fireplace

Costings for Fireplace

2 gabion baskets 2.1m tall x 0.75m wide x 0.75m deep

Using 4.5mm welded 75mm x 75mm mesh @ $166.59 each = $333.18 incl GST

Costings are an indication only, as no two fireplaces, are  ever the same.

Additional costs that you may incur are firebox, flue, gabion stones, and delivery.

Have your own fireplace design, then email us at with a sketch and dimensions for costing.

Or you can check out our prices and sizes

stone gabion fire place


Gabion modular design sizes, are very cost effective

Check out our large range of Gabion Sizes and Prices

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Email with the wall height, width and your location for a delivered price


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02 8007 3949