River Bank ProtectionLow Cost Erosion Control & Flood Prevention
If you need river bank and flood protection, to prevent you land eroding away, gabions are a low cost method of flood protection. Building a flood control wall with gabions keeps the erosion protection systems cost down.
Below are some examples of river bank erosion protection using gabions.
When your gabion walls are being used
as erosion control, a civil engineer experienced in flood control and erosion
prevention, should be consulted. Gabions are a proven method of halting river bank erosion, for both large rivers and small streams that are prone to flooding. Any river erosion system needs to be designed to cope with the expected peak river flood volumes, as this is when most damage to river banks and their erosion protection measures occurs. Flood events are often described as 1 in 100yr floods or 1 in 50yrs floods, and any river bank protection system neeeds to be able to cope with these flood events.
Gabion erosion walls are a often used low cost river bank protection method, that do not require a expensive concrete foundations or deep footing piles unlike other erosion methods. This gabion erosion control method gave instant protection to the garden, as soon as the gabions were filled. This erosion control method is a simple and cost effective solution to river bank Erosion Contol problems.
This large river bank protection wall is also a decorative solution in this public park. The gabions are palced on the outside of the river bank where most of the erosion control is required. This gabion wall is able to deflect the river and protect the river bank from being damaged during peak flood events. The engineer has designed a flood erosion wall that is both structural and aesthetic for this river bank barrier.
Gabion erosion walls are a quick and easy to build, that do not require a concrete footings. This gabion stone wall prevents erosion of the river bank, and incorporates a bench seat built into the wall to enjoy the river bank from. Because the gabions are porous, they are able to diffuse the rivers energy when in flood are protect the river bank from being eroded away. When you have cheap, low cost local stone, gabion erosion baskets allow the construction to be very inexpensive. Gabion river bank protection
These gabions protect this abutment bridge from being damaged by floods. The river bank has been protected from erosion by placing the gabions to maximum advantage on the outside bend of the river. The engineers design place the erosion protection below the rivers predicted maximum scour depth. This is good engineering and prevents the river from eroding away under the gabions, and the river bank failing.
By combining gabions and large rip rap boulders, the engineer's solution for this river bank erosion problem protectsd the bridge piers from being damaged during floods. This design angles the gabions to deflect the river flow away from the river bank and reduces the risk of flood erosion damage to the river bank under the bridge.
River bank protection when designed properly by an experienced engineer are very strong and will last for years providing the protection from erosion to the river bank and the land and buildings, behind the wall. Erosion control methods vary, but gabions have proven there worth over time as being a low cost quick solution to river bank erosion. Gabion erosion measures
Gabion erosion systems are able to retain a variety of soil types, including clays, silty clays and sand, as well as gravels. All erosion control methods when carried out by qualified engineers including the design of gabion river bank protection, is based on a site inspection of the soil, and site contours, peak run off data, and expected rainfall into the river catchment, this allows the calculation of expected flood flows in the river, and peak river levels, that then form the basis of the river bank erosion protection design by the engineer.Gabion Erosion design
Large river systems and gabion baskets must be filled with hard durable materials that will not weather or erode away in. Rock selection for gabion erosion control is critical for the river bank protection to preform forthe designed of the life of the gabion erosion method. Gabion baskets come in a variety of sizes, and it is also possible to build a curved erosion wall. The gabion baskets are purchsed online are delivered in a flat pack kitset direct to you. The erosion method is easy for the DIYer to build, and no spercial tools are required to assemble a river bank protection system. Gabion Erosion Walls
The outside edge of this river where the river flows are greatest and erosion most likely. this is where the gabion basket protects the river bank from erosion. The gabion erosion wall has been given extra height at the expected location of maximum river flood, By using different gabion erosion basket sizes that can be purchased online. Low cost erosin control walls are quick and simple to build. No need to hire a specialist erosion contractor to build an effective erosion control wall.Gabion Erosion Walls
Gabion flood protection walls can be built in the water and over instant protection from flood damage. No need to be built on an reinforced concrete footing, the flood wall is built directly onto the river bed preventing further erosion. The gabion baskets hold the stones together and protect the river bank from erosion. It may not be possible to build other types of erosion protection walls on poor load bearing soils such silt and clay but this is not a problem for gabion erosion walls. A geotech fabric is required behind the gabion walls to prevent the fine soils of the river bank being eroded away during floods, the drainage system required behind this type of erosion wall needs carefull design by an engineer. To prevent extreme floods damaging the erosion prevention walls, with this construction method you can also build curved erosion walls.
This engineer has used gabions to create a gabion river crossing, the river banks on either side of the crossing are protected from erosion and floods this a substanial gabion erosion structure. The design uses different sized gabions building a river crossing that can take large vehicles. The stone wall that is both structural and allows all year access to the river crossing. The heavey duty 4.5mm welded wire mesh provides strong river crossing around the piped culvert. Gabion Erosion Methods
Designed to hold back soil and prevent, this erosion wall employs big gabions that were moved into position with heavy equipment and because of the lifting equipment needed these are not really a DIY erosion walls. Despite the size of the gabions, the engineer has designed a curved erosion wall to help resist forces of nature.
The design of all river bank protection systems needs to consider, the soil profile, soil type, (clay, gravel or sand), Expected peak river flow, and expected maximum river channel scour depth. Gabion walls are heavy, and therefore able to resist the river during flood, different methods of flood control are needed depending on the site conditions. Site access, to the river makes it possible to build the gabion erosion barriers on site, material and labour costs, all influence the final gabion wall cost. Larger gabions can be used around bridge abutments and bridge piers, gabions are able to use cheaper stones thereby reducing the river bank protection costs.
Home owners, weekend builders, and diy specialists can build most small to medium sized gabion erosion control walls depending on size over several weekends. For larger gabion erosion control walls, you can get a quotes from, local landscapers, small earthworks contractors and specialist flood protection contractors, who have both the machinery and experience to build the larger gabion walls quickly for you. Experienced contractors may also assist with the flood control design and have design ideas, based on local knowledge and experience to ensure your river erosion control project is a success.